Legal notice
1. Identification
In strict compliance with the provisions of Article 10 of Law 34/2002 of July 11 on services of the information society and electronic commerce, the company CNP Bolsos 2000 S.L. with CIF B-53368239 registered in the Mercantile Registry of Alicante, with telephone number 965 500 045, is a provider of information society services through, among others, its website (BINNARI hereinafter), stating both his domicile and his permanent establishment in Spain, P.I. Les Pedreres, C/ Treballadores, 8-A Bajo, 03610, Petrer, Alicante.
By virtue of what is stated in section 2 of Art.10 of Law 34/2002 of July 11 on services of the information society and electronic commerce, compliance is given through this general clause of USE of the website whose content is detailed below and constituting the same general contracting conditions under the provisions of Law 7/1998 of April 13 on General Contracting Conditions.
2. Use of the website and user data
All the terms and conditions set forth below form part of the obligatory content between BINNARI and the USER within the framework of this website, being applicable both to its use and to contracting through this website. These replace any other previous wording, except only the written agreement(s) between BINNARI and the USER or CONSUMER for agreements prior to this one.
BINNARI products are intended exclusively for sale to final consumers, individuals, or legal entities, excluding any reseller or intermediary acting on behalf of a reseller. Therefore, the client declares to act as a final consumer with no intention of profit or subsequent commercial resale.
Likewise, each time THE CONSUMER makes a purchase, the acceptance of these conditions will be requested. Said general conditions can be viewed before, through the website through the link GENERAL CONDITIONS or at the moment in which you are asked to confirm acceptance. In order to proceed with the acceptance, you must check the box “I have read and accept the General Conditions”.
2.1.User and consumer
Any person who accesses to the content of BINNARI will be considered a USER and any person who acquires the goods offered through the website will be considered a CONSUMER.
Both hereby accept the general conditions contained in this document in relation to its use as well as the acquisition of the products offered through it.
2.2. use of the website
In order to acquire the products offered by BINNARI, it will be necessary to register through the form available on the website. The use of the data entered by the USER, as well as the use made of them by third parties, will be the sole responsibility of the USER, being exempt from any liability or unauthorized use by third parties BINNARI.
If there are well-founded suspicions by the USER of the use of their data by third parties in a malicious manner, they must immediately inform BINNARI in a reliable manner through the following address proceeding to its solution and/or rectification to as soon as possible, respecting at all times the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data.
The USER is obliged to make good use of the material and/or content published on the BINNARI website, reserving any action proceeding by law in the event that the action of this reduces or undermines the use of the website by third parties, the brand image or any other capable of generating damage, as well as not introducing or spreading computer viruses that may cause unauthorized alterations to the contents or systems that are part of BINNARI.
BINNARI reserves the right to deny access to the Website or even cancel orders to Users who misuse the content and/or fail to comply with any of the conditions that appear in this document.
2.3. Comunicaciones ofertas y promociones
Toda promoción, oferta y/o comunicación realizada desde BINNARI por vía electrónica identificará en todo momento a BINNARI como ofertante y en caso de existir dudas acerca del origen de las comunicaciones recibidas como BINNARI deberá ponerse en conocimiento a través de la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico
Por medio del presente BINNARI pone en conocimiento y el USUARIO/CONSUMIDOR consiente la recepción de comunicaciones publicitarias o promocionales por correo electrónico o cualquier otro medio de comunicación electrónica equivalente provenientes de BINNARI y relacionadas con productos de la marca. El USUARIO podrá revocar en cualquier momento el consentimiento prestado en el apartado anterior con la simple comunicación a través del correo electrónico habilitado al efecto. puesto a disposición en cada una de las comunicaciones, ofertas y promociones que reciba.
3. Electronic contracting
3.1. Type of contract, applicable law, and place of celebration.
In accordance with the provisions of Article 23 of Law 34/2002 of July 11 on services of the information society and electronic commerce, the contracts entered into between BINNARI and the USER will be considered contracts entered into electronically and as such will be governed by the provisions of the Civil Code, Commercial Code, Consolidated Text for the defense of consumers and users, Law of services of the information society, as well as any others of application, producing by the concurrence of consent all the effects provided for in the Spanish Legal System.
Consent will concur as soon as BINNARI sends the USER/CONSUMER electronically an acknowledgment of the order and the latter does not refuse it without breaching good faith, all under the provisions of Art.28.1 of Law 34/2002 of 11 of July of services of the society of the information and of the electronic commerce. The contract, in such case, is presumed to be concluded in the place where THE CONSUMER has his habitual residence.
4. Industrial and intellectual property
All the elements, (drawings, designs, models, illustrations, images, soundtracks, texts, logos, trademarks…) included on the website are exclusive property of BINNARI.
The total or partial reproduction by any means or process, distribution, publication, transmission, modification or sale of all or part of the content of the website, as well as the creation of derivative works from it, is prohibited. The unauthorized use of these contents will give rise to the legally established responsibilities.
5. Protection and processing of personal data
The information and personal data provided by our USERS and CONSUMERS receive the treatment established in Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, and appropriate to the European Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data. Personal, dated May 25, 2018. CNP BOLSOS 2000 S.L., through the servers enabled by its Website, is responsible for the correct use of these data, recognizing and making available to the owners of these the right to access (article 15 REPD), rectification (article 16 REPD), and cancellation and opposition to the use and storage of the same (article 21 REPD).
The materialization of the exercise of the aforementioned rights will be carried out by sending a letter or email indicating the will to exercise any of these rights to the following postal or electronic addresses: – – CNP Bolsos 2000 S.L., PI. Les Pedreres, C/Treballadores, 8-A Bajo, Petrer (Alicante) Postal Code 03610.
6. Validity and duration of the present general conditions
In the event that any of the conditions set forth in this clause is declared invalid, the other conditions will remain in force and will be interpreted taking into account the global content of the rest of the clause. The information that appears on this Website is current on the date of its last update. BINNARI reserves the right to unilaterally modify these Terms and Conditions, as well as its privacy policy and any other information. The entry into force of any modification of the clauses will take place from the moment of its publication.
7. Closure clause
BINNARI is not responsible, in any case, for damages of any nature that may cause, by way of example: errors or omissions in the contents, lack of availability of the portal or the transmission of viruses or malicious or harmful programs in the content, despite having adopted all the necessary technological measures to avoid it.
8. Legal guarantee
BINNARI is obliged to deliver to the consumer products that are in accordance with the contract, responding to him for any lack of conformity that exists at the time of delivery of the product, Consumer Law (art. 114 and ss), will not be adjusted to terms of purchase, please contact us.
9. Alternative dispute resolution
We inform you that, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of May 21, 2013, you can assert your rights by resorting to an online alternative dispute resolution procedure in matters of consumption. You can request this procedure on the platform that you will find at the following address: