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Get now the bags that will make you shine with all kinds of looks. From the most spacious, practical and all-terrain shopping bags, to the most elegant and sophisticated party bags, including crossbody, shoulder or handbag bags. Discover our latest collection and fall in love with the most current, comfortable and 100% original bags for women and men. Bags that interpret the latest trends without ever losing the essence of Binnari.
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If there is an accessory that cannot be missing in any self-respecting look, it is the bag. In fact, on many occasions a good bag can become the focus of all eyes and the cornerstone that turns a bland outfit into a spectacular one.
When buying a bag, especially if you are going to buy a bag online, there are many considerations that must be taken into account so as not to get carried away and screw up. It is about each bag you buy, whether for everyday or occasional use, adding some value to your wardrobe.
When a brand accumulates more than 30 years of experience and has become a leading reference in the bag market, it is for a reason. Binnari is a brand you can trust and that is why thousands of women from all over the world bet on our bags every season. A hallmark of trust that is a guarantee when buying bags online.
It doesn’t matter if you have 1 or 10 bags in your closet. You could always use a few more, right? We understand you, because bags are essential accessories when putting together any outfit worth its salt. In addition, buying quality bags is one of the best investments you can make, since many of them become true wildcards or wardrobe essentials that will accompany you for years and years without losing an iota of their style.
Going to the stores to buy a new bag is quite an experience, but with how tight we all have lately, it is becoming more and more common to buy a bag online. The offer is very wide and you have to have things very clear so as not to get carried away and end up buying a bag that is not worth it or that you are hardly going to use.
Here, there are some of the characteristics that define Binnari bags and that you will always find in our store.
It seems obvious, but many times we do not stop to think about it. When buying a bag, the first thing you must keep in mind is when, how and for what you are going to use the bag.
A bag can be very nice, but not be the right one for you at a particular time. Do you really need a party bag with no events in sight or would you be better off spending your money on an everyday handbag?
Here you can buy Binnari bags for all occasions such as:
Men’s bags: at Binnari we do not forget that more and more men are incorporating the bag into their daily outfits, for comfort, versatility, and style. We have a range of men’s bags designed with your needs in mind.
When buying bags online the first thing that catches our attention is the design. But we cannot forget that quality is the most important thing. It is something that we are very clear about in Binnari bags.
From the choice of materials to the design, going through every detail: seams, zippers, closures, pockets, appliqués. We test everything a thousand times before putting it on sale to make sure that buying Binnari bags is buying quality, resistant bags that can withstand your pace of life and the whiplash you want to give them.
Another of our characteristics as a brand is that we like to stay true to our essence and our hallmarks, adapting them to the latest news and trends in the bag market. Binnari girls, women and men know how to recognize our bags and at the same time they find the most up-to-date materials, colors and designs in each season. The perfect combination between trend and essence.
Monday to Thursday: 9h - 17h
Friday: 9h - 13h
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